What: Parking Permit Applications
Where: First floor office, Decatur High School
What do I do with the application: Complete and return with the required items to the first floor office.
When submitting the parking application LINKED HERE, the parent/guardian must have agreed to the 2024-2025 DISD Random Student Drug Testing Consent Form found in Skyward.
The student must have in hand the following:
License plate number
Make & model of car
Drivers license/permit
Proof on insurance
$40.00 (Cash or Check accepted)
Phone number where we can reach a parent
**Campus Administration will begin checking the student parking lot for permits beginning September 10th**
1. In order to park on campus, registration and parking permits must be purchased from the first floor office and must be properly displayed on the vehicle at all times. If driving a different car, the Parking Permit must still be displayed.
2. Cars must be legally parked in these areas at all times. ONE VEHICLE PER SPACE.
3. Students will park in the student parking lot only. Students may not park in the parking lot adjacent to the front of the school, the faculty parking lot adjacent to the theater, the field house, and the ag/shop building. Students may not park or drive on any unpaved surfaces at any time. If caught driving on grass or around gates the student will be charged for any damage to grounds and/or irrigation system and parking privileges will be revoked. AT NO TIME WILL VEHICLES BE PARKED IN THE EMERGENCY FIRE LOOPS.
4. On school days, students may park at the field house and ag/shop building after 4:00 pm.
5. Upon arriving at school, students will immediately vacate their vehicles and leave the parking lot. NO LOITERING IS ALLOWED IN OR AROUND STUDENT VEHICLES.
6. Students may not return to the parking lot during the school day without a pass from the office. Students who are in the parking lot during the day without a pass from the office will be subject to disciplinary action.
No current parking permit
Improper display of parking permit
Parking where prohibited
Operating a vehicle in a reckless manner
Parking improperly
Driving on any unapproved surface, etc.
1st Offense - loss of parking privileges for 10 days and restitution as applicable.
2nd Offense - loss of parking privileges for 30 days and restitution as applicable.
3rd Offense - loss of parking privileges for 365 days or the end of the current school year and restitution as applicable.
Decatur ISD is not responsible for loss or damages to vehicles or personal belongings within said vehicles while parked on district property.